What Is An Alabama Hotpocket

thaiorchiddublin.com › My-boyfriend-wants-to-perform-an-Alabama-hot-pocke. The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish maneuver that roughly involves taking a shit into a womans vagina, typically followed up by a good ole fuckin. The. The “Alabama hot pocket” is a morbid, questionable sexual act, in which two people, either two women or a woman and a man is involved. 1. Italian slang for vagina. Used by old Italian men who hang out in front of deli's. I wanna ram my cock in Robin's pookyak S. The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish maneuver that roughly involves taking a shit into a woman's vagina, typically followed up by a good ole fuckin'.


Slang Define: What is Alabama Hot-pocket? - meaning and definition .

I miss allie she is so hot and sexy teen latina. 1. Italian slang for vagina. Used by old Italian men who hang out in front of deli's. I wanna ram my cock in Robin's pookyak S. I had to look up what an Alabama hot pocket is. Apparently it's. SmithersSAFC alabama hot pocket: the art of seperating the vagina thaiorchiddublin.com The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish maneuver that roughly involves taking a shit into a womans vagina, typically followed up by a good ole fuckin. The. Spreading Rumours Podcast by Kristen Hanby New episodes every Sunday @2pm. FULL EPISODE: thaiorchiddublin.com?v=93wtSDLz5rs.

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