Do Girls Like To Suck Dick

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Do Women REALLY Like Giving Blowjobs — Are Some Addicted?

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1. It feels good. Sucking a dick feels amazing, especially when you use your tongue to swirl around the head. · 2. It's a power thing. For many. We surveyed women and discovered that % of women like giving blow jobs, but % have had bad experiences. I hope you're sitting down because this information might come as a shock: % of women find sucking dick somewhat or very pleasurable, according to a study. The overwhelming consensus is that it's not nearly as pleasurable to them as giving head seems to be for men, and they largely try to scale it. Yes. I enjoy giving pleasure, and I also take pleasure from the actual act itself. But every girl is different, of course.:yep.

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10 Women Reveal Why They Love Going Down on You - Maxim .

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I miss the moaning in this vid michaels porn. › TooAfraidToAsk › comments › do_girls_actually_like_. All girls are different, some women are into it, some aren't. Personally, I love it, it's pretty much my favorite sex act besides actual sex. › Maxim Man. They say I have a nice size and shape that makes them wanna suck it. They like the round ball head, and like the long smooth shaft and they say it turns them. I hope you're sitting down because this information might come as a shock: % of women find sucking dick somewhat or very pleasurable, according to a study.

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Views: 3040 Date: 4/7/2024 Favorited: 120 favorites

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