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Why It’s Harder To Orgasm When You’re Drunk

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Having unprotected sex — yes, even oral sex — always carries a risk of STDs. That said, female ejaculate (the fluid that comes out of some. For girls who have drunk many men's cum did you really been able to differentiate between their tastes? According to a recent studyTrusted Source, regular heavy drinking can reduce female fertility by: interrupting menstrual cycle and. Impairs women's orgasms. Like some men, many women have difficulty working up to orgasm after drinking. Intoxication delays orgasm in many women. After heavy drinking you may: find it hard to ejaculate (come) or may ejaculate too fast; find it harder to have an orgasm, or have less intense orgasms. Sex.

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Thats a great sensation How alcohol affects your sex life and fertility lusso napoli. After heavy drinking you may: find it hard to ejaculate (come) or may ejaculate too fast; find it harder to have an orgasm, or have less intense orgasms. Sex. According to a recent studyTrusted Source, regular heavy drinking can reduce female fertility by: interrupting menstrual cycle and. Dr. Logan Levkoff explains why you might not be able to climax while you're drunk. Drunk sex can impede orgasm on several other levels as well: it can impair judgment and concentration, two issues that can be important when. › pmc › articles › PMC

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Views: 5889 Date: 12/21/2023 Favorited: 260 favorites

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